
A new HUB dedicated to ESG products built in 2 months.

0 B
In assets across ESG ETF
(Source : Lyxor International Asset Management, as of 30/09/2020)

The Challenge.

Since 2007, Lyxor had created innovative investments in environmental, social, and governance factors by launching its first sustainable ETF.

Lyxor is currently the only one in Europe providing ETFs that directly contribute to five of the UN’s SDGs*(Sustainable Development Goals).

In October 2020, LYXOR aimed to launch on the same day a masterclass on climate investment and a hub site dedicated to ESG products.

Within two months, Minotore was faced with the challenge of creating a platform of 14 country sites with their marketing content and product pages.

No matter what!

The Solution.

Minotore Digital Platform being a “plug & play” solution, it made possible the launch, in less than 2 months, of a new LYXOR ETF ESG website, composed of 14 country sites for institutional investors.

The MDP*Minotore Digital Platform tool, combined with the expertise of a committed Minotore team, allowed for the efficient creation of the site’s content on different media types. The platform’s easy and centralized administration made the integration of this content across the various country sites smooth and simple. Minotore also supported the configuration of 40 ESG ETFs with their specific ESG metrics as well as the rest of the standard data.

The Results.

In 2 months, the Lyxor ETF, ESG platform, consisting of 14 country sites, in 4 languages with over 40 blogs, was launched. It contains the ETF industry’s first COtool, which allows to know the temperature impact of each ETF and to assess its alignment with the objectives set by the Paris Agreement.

It’s the first platform dedicated to ESG ETFs in the world!

MDP*Minotore Digital Platform ‘s multi-site management console enables companies to grow and evolve: Lyxor has raised €1 billion*Source : Lyxor ETF, as of Jun, 9th 2021 in assets in its Climate ETF range, only one year after their Launch.


Digital innovation for market finance.